Bigler AG Fleischwaren Signs Cross-Sector Pact for Greener Food Chain

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Bigler AG Fleischwaren Signs Cross-Sector Pact for Greener Food Chain

Posted by: Baris Karapinar
Category: ESG News

Bigler AG Fleischwaren joins 36 other organizations in the commitment to reduce food waste across sectors. This initiative aligns with Switzerland’s focus on addressing the environmental impact of food production and consumption.

When food is produced but not consumed, it leads to unnecessary CO2 emissions, loss of biodiversity, and significant land and water usage. Food Waste contributes to 25% of the environmental burden of our food system, equivalent to half of Switzerland’s motorized individual transportation environmental impact. The Federal Council aims to halve avoidable food losses by 2030 compared to 2017 through the Action Plan Against Food Waste, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 of the 2030 Agenda.

Food losses and waste, encompassing all human-intended food not consumed, account for approximately one-third of edible portions from farm to plate. A study by ETH Zurich estimates that Switzerland generates around 2.8 million tonnes of food waste annually, with about 330 kg of avoidable food losses per person per year.

This includes 360,000 tonnes of food losses abroad due to the production of imported goods, not factored into Swiss disposal considerations. Additionally, 240,000 tonnes of avoidable food losses occur domestically during food production for export, including disposal considerations but not in consumption perspectives. Bigler AG Fleischwaren’s commitment adds momentum to Switzerland’s collaborative effort to achieve sustainable food practices and reduce environmental impact.

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