Swiss Federal Council Proposes Measures to Strengthen Sustainable Mobility Programs

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Swiss Federal Council Proposes Measures to Strengthen Sustainable Mobility Programs

Posted by: Baris Karapinar
Category: ESG News

The Swiss Federal Council approved the report “Enabling Sustainable Mobility” during its June 28 meeting. The report highlights the availability of numerous funding instruments to support pilot regions testing sustainable mobility solutions. It suggests five measures to enhance the effectiveness of existing programs.

The report presents an overview of 14 funding instruments from federal offices, including Spatial Development (ARE), Environment (FOEN), Energy (BFE), Transport (BAV), and Roads (ASTRA), which can potentially support the promotion of pilot regions. Most projects can be funded through public-private partnerships (PPP), covering various aspects of transport decarbonization. Cantons have also implemented initiatives for low-carbon mobility.

Existing programs face challenges such as inadequate long-term support for promising projects, limited funding for technology development and innovative concepts, and insufficient awareness and exchange between programs. To address these issues, the report proposes five measures:

  1. Establish an online platform to provide an overview of funding opportunities for decarbonizing mobility, including cantonal and municipal programs.
  2. Harmonize and complement funding instruments through systematic exchange among program directors, joint calls for proposals, and program consolidation.
  3. Regularly review priority funding themes to keep pace with technological and societal advancements.
  4. Co-finance consolidated project plans or preliminary studies under specific conditions, identifying the most promising projects for long-term support.
  5. Create a federal platform to disseminate project outcomes, facilitating connections between interested private and public organizations.

These measures can be implemented within the existing legal framework and budgetary constraints.

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