ESG HUB > Services > International Initiative > Climate Action 100+

Climate Action 100+

climate action 100

Climate Action 100+ is an investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.

Climate Action 100+ Swiss Network

Climate Action 100+ is made up of 700 global investors who are responsible for more than $68 trillion in assets under management across 33 markets. Investor participants are signatories to the initiative and are responsible for direct engagements with focus companies, individually and/or collaboratively. Investor supporters are also asset owner signatories to the initiative and publicly support the initiative’s goals, but do not participate directly in engagements with focus companies.

Swiss Engagement Service Providers
Swiss Asset Managers & Owners

How to Join?

If you are an institutional investor (investment manager, asset owner, or engagement service provider) please use the form below to express your interest in joining the waitlist for the next phase of Climate Action 100+.

As the initiative prepares for the re-launch of Climate Action 100+ in 2023, They are consulting with existing signatories to help inform our strategy for Phase 2. Any new requests to sign on to the initiative whilst consultation is underway will be paused until the launch of Phase 2 of Climate Action 100+ next year.

Should you be in an ongoing discussion with a regional network on your participation in the initiative and can be placed in an engagement, please continue this conversation with the relevant contact. Otherwise, complete the form below if you wish to be placed on a waitlist and informed of the launch of Phase 2 in due course.

To join, you must be:

  • An asset owner, an asset manager, or a service provider that is formally representing assets and that typically conducts engagements with companies.
  • A member of one of the coordinating investor networks: AIGCC, Ceres, IGCC, IIGCC, or PRI
  • Able to participate in engagements with focus companies (unless you join as a supporter — note that this option is only available only to asset owners.)